Gee....What can I say about tonight's State
Of The Union Address? I was more or less expecting something like
a TWO TRILLION $$$ in proposed appropriations to cover the costs of a manned
space flight to Mars. But instead, I was left fumbling for words
and looking for weaknesses in his speech. Only to find there weren't
very many.
But fellow Liberal Kevin from found some. He also had some advice
for the so-called "Democrats" in Washington.
However, as good as Kevin's advice is, I do have some issues with some
of the things he said about the SOTU itself. They are as follows......
6:44 — A standing O for increased support for community colleges?
Why not Kevin? A Community College is just as good as any other
college. Though I do agree with you (I assume you meant this point
even though you didn't say it in your blog) that support should be increased
across the board for all colleges and not just the "chosen
few" that "play by the rules of the GOP".
6:57 — Get rid of steroids in professional sports? What the heck
is that doing in the SOTU?
Uhh....Could it be that it's just as much of a drug problem for our
youth as it is for pro sports atheletes Kevin? Gee....I wonder.....
Okay, so I just found just those two issues (like I said, they were
minor). Now here are some things I'd like to emphasize myself......
6:48 — We can cut the deficit in half in five years, apparently by
limiting the growth in discretionary spending to 4%. This simply defies
all reason. That won't even come close to cutting the deficit in half
Add to this that President Bush wants to spend (or should I say $pend?)
SYSTEM AS WELL AS the (reportedly) TWO TRILLION $$$ he wants for a
manned mission to Mars, President Bush will have become the
President to send America plummeting into BANKRUPTCY.
we face NOW.
6:51 — Any attempt to take away Medicare prescription benefits will
"" Huh? Who's proposing that? Especially given that Republicans
control both houses of Congress?
Not to mention the fact that it's been us Liberals who've been
fighting for Heath Care Reform for the last several years while
the Republicans were in a state of denial as they tried to convince (or
would the word INSULT be a better word?) Americans that Health Care didn't
need reforming. Isn't it funny how hypocritical Republicans
can be?
That being said though, I do agree with the President when he said that
"Government-Run Health Care" is the wrong prescription". Time to
get rid of the bean counter when it comes to Health Care IMO.
Overall impressions of the Democratic response — Jeez, that was just
horrible. I don't think they said a single memorable thing, their delivery
was stiff (though Daschle was better than Pelosi), they didn't really offer
any kind of competing vision, and I don't think they drew any blood at
all. What a missed opportunity.
I agree wholeheartedly Kevin. I mean WHAT WAS THAT?!?!?!?
There was NO taking the President to task. NO addrressing of the
manned mission to Marrs issue (as expected by MANY State Democratic Party
HQs INCLUDING the Colorado Democratic
Party which held an SOTU viewing party at the Denver
Press Club earlier tonight)
I was VERY disappointed in the so-called "leaderrs" of our party in
Washington. If there was a single word to describe it, that word
would be LAME LAME LAME.
Mr President.....With all due respect to the office you hold, I'm
afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave and do so IMMEDIATELY.
President Bush said in 2000 that he wanted to bring back honor and dignity
to the White House. But he never mentioned anything about deception.
The saga continues......
Video blog on this tomorrow (Hopefully with official video of the SOTU
and Democratic Response). It's getting late and I'm tired....*yawn*.
Cheers for now :-)
Inspired by Lawrence O'Donnell's "Rewrite" & Ed Schultz's "Takedown" segments, this is my attempt to right the wrongs of the Right Wing & try to decipher the morse code-like language which the Right Wing so eloquently speaks in a manner which the rest of us on Main Street can understand