Umm...Someone tell me if I'm wrong here, but I didn't know we were supposed to give a damn about those who are issued Death sentences for crimes they've been found guilty and were convicted of.
Yet it seems like like executions are now getting more and more media attention. Add in the world of cyberspace, and you've got a worldwide online prescence as well. I'm referring to this article on the Tookie Williams story
Where does it end America??
That is the subject of tonight's Real Deal.
I was always led to believe that if you kill someone and are charged with the crime, fairly tried, convicted and sentenced to death, that NO ONE is supposed to give a fuckin' holy crappin' (or is that holy crippin' in Tookie's case?) shit about you. But gee....I guess I was wrong.
Seems as though those on the Far Far left (Who even I disagree with) who seem to think such hardened criminals either are or can be "reformed" simply because they've "taken in the Bible" or (here's my favorite one of all) have been "saved", they can somehow be reformed.
Well....Sorry Charlie. It don't work like that.
Hardened criminals, especially ones like Tookie Williams, BELONG IN PRISON with NO chance for parole, NO time off for "good behavior", and ABSULTELY POSITIVELY NO sentence commuting. Them's just the facts folks. They can read the bible through and through and I COULD GIVE A FUCKIN' HOLY SHIT.
I know it sounds like I'm being cold and heartless on criminals, but look at it this way. Their victims didn't get a chance to "plea bargain" or to "strike a deal" to avoid becoming a victim, so WHY the criminal be awarded the opportunity to do the same to avoid a stiff sentence or being prosecuted altogether?
On top of all this, wouldn't YOU want the media to be at YOUR funeral as YOUR loved ones step up to the podium or microphone or whatever and EULOGIZE & REMEMBER YOU? That would almost be a dream come true for me.
It's not fair to see that a CONVICTED CRIMINAL getting what amounts to A STATE FUNERAL(albeit AND ESPECIALLY at TAXPAYER expense) while YOU have to PAY UP THE BUTT for yours. It doesn't make sense. Nor is it fair. NOT AT ALL.
If the convicts want to be seen on TV, may they be seen during MSNBC's DocBlock or something (At least there's a zillion other channels I can watch when that's on).
And that's today's Real Deal.
That is tonight's Real Deal.
Inspired by Lawrence O'Donnell's "Rewrite" & Ed Schultz's "Takedown" segments, this is my attempt to right the wrongs of the Right Wing & try to decipher the morse code-like language which the Right Wing so eloquently speaks in a manner which the rest of us on Main Street can understand