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Friday, June 24, 2005

Why The Flag Burning Ban Initiative Is A BAD Idea

Far be it for me to take sides on an issue such as this, but the idea, as outlined in many of these articles would, in my opinion, would do more harm than good.

That is the subject of todays' Real Deal.

While on the surface and personally can't argue with the idea, there are those who will want to do it as a means of Free Speech.

Personally, I think flag burning is disgusting if not downright unamerican. But then too, I think pretty much the same way about those who smoke in public places, yet we a society have accepted the fact there are rights to do both (at least so far anyway).

Admittedly while comparing The Right To Free Speech to the rights of smokers is like comparing an apple to a jalapeno pepper, they are in many ways paralell to each other. I suppose The Right To Bear Arms would be a better analogy, but I digress. *sigh*

But why anyone would want to put a ban on something like burning the flag is almost beyond me. I mean, I thought we lived in a democracy here.

Or do we now live in a "democracy" only when it suits the fuckin' morons in Washington??

In other words, why not just simply ignore who choose to engage in this kind of activity. If it ain't your cup of tea, then don't even watch. It's that simple. If people wanna burn the flag as a means of Free Speech, I say let 'em burn it. Our founding forefathers and those who died serving this country fought to preserve one's right to do so. And those who are serving this country in the Middle East as I type this continue that fight.

In a world where there are countries that will actually kill people who engage in this kind of behavior, the last thing we need to have is to have The United States of America say to its citizens that they cannot burn the flag either.

It is because of this and the fact that this proposed U.S. Constitutional Ammendment does not exclude the right to Free Speech, that I hope it fails.

While I won't be terribly upset if this thing actually goes before the people, unlike many other "LINOs" (that's Liberals In Name Only for the clueless idiots out there) out there in cyberspace and the blogosphere, who will no doubt aggressively fight this tooth and nail, I on the other hand, being the somewhat usual moderate that I am, don't believe it will.

However, we must ensure that it doesn't by continuing to pur pressure on the idiots in Washington who (tragically) consist of the very government that's supposed to represent us and the interests of the people who elected them by sending letters and emails and by blogging on the issue. No doubt it will be a controversial issue. But it is one which I, the surviving son of a U.S. Veteran believe must be preserved no matter how disgusting it may look.

And that is today's Real Deal

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