Karl Rove's Crossroads GPS flexes its muscle of HYPOCRACY yet again.....
Lemme see if I got this straight.....
FIRST they want us to hold President Obama accountable FOR DOING SOMETHING WHICH THE REPUBLICANS HAD A HAND IN
THEN they call out the President for not having a jobs plan
THEN their buddies in the Republican Party SLAM the plan the President lays out WITHOUT EVEN TAKING A VOTE
AND THEN those very same buddies BLACKMAIL the President & the Democrats into passing a bill which contains provisions for their precious pipeline (AKA PORK BARREL) project that's supposed to address the issue
I dunno 'bout you but to me, this has ALL the classic earmarkings of the Republicants not only being against the creation of new jobs but also trying to CONTROL THE TYPES OF JOBS AMERICANS WILL BE ALLOWED TO WORK IN as well
Republicants, PLEASE feel free to "Correct" me on any of this as I wanna make sure I understood it correctly & am not leaving any stones unturned :)
Ohh well.....These HOPELESSLY CLUELESS BRAINLESS MORONS will quickly find out that America doesn't like to be CONTROLLED & WILL NOT STAND for being treated like A JAILHOUSE CHAIN GANG WORK RELEASE CREW for their pet PORK BARREL projects. That's because we'll have a THROW OUT THE BUMS election in 2012 which will make the 1994 one seem like a distant memory as this generation of Republicants WILL FIND THEMSELVES ON THE UNEMPLOYMENT LINE RIGHT ALONGSIDE SCOTT WALKER & NEWT GINGRICH (The latter of whom President Obama will gladly politically behead)