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Friday, January 19, 2007

The Ignorance & UNGODLINESS Of Ann Coulter

Isn't it amazing how far extreme Right Wing Republicans like Ann Coulter will go to show their ignorance?

Here she is on Hannity & Colmes when under attack not only by host Alan Colmes and Democratic Strategist Laura Schwartz, but also Sean Hannity as well.

If it weren't for her maintaining her composure throughout the whole thing, I'd say it was almost laughable. But seriously though, she's got some MAJOR issues. The least of which are portrayed in this video I found just last night while surfing around on YouTube, which is (If you haven't figured out already) where almost all of the videos on this blog are from....

Isn't it amazing how Ann Coulter can stuff her head up her ass, sit in the sand on the beach somewhere as she tell herself (And tries to convince others) how life is "normal", there is nothing out of the ordinary and any claims to the contrary are simply a figment of the imagination.

Why? Simple. Because she's living in her own little fantasy world and...Well....Has her head shoved up her ass, which, in turn has her head buried in the sand. As such, she can't really can't (Or should I simply doesn't want to?) see anything EXCEPT her little fantasy world.

Now this dude gets it right as he tells it like it REALLY is....

And that, ladies & gentlemen, is today's Real Deal.

For more videos, click here


Look at where and what they got us....

In Iran (Beginning in the 1950s)....

And now in Iraq today.....

Hardly news I know, but these videos are just two classic examples of how far the CIA is willing to go to LIE to get what it wants - no matter where they are.

More such videos can be found here

Have fun watching.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Iraq War - NO MORE TROOPS....

Sen Bob Kerry couldn't have said it any better....

Back in October I talked with former senator and decorated veteran Bob Kerrey about the possibility of an increase in troop deployment. Sure enough, Bush is now calling for that escalation, despite massive political opposition and a lack of support among military leaders.

Here is an excerpt of the conversation with Bob Kerrey. I especially appreciate his comments regarding the draft.

Thanks for tuning in!

DISCLAIMER: The interviewer in this video is NOT me. I do not own the domain name above. I only reporduce the content utilizing the SHARE option.

Bye Bye Rummy....

.....Bye bye!

Be sure the door hits you on the way out.

Presidential News Conference On Rumsfeld Ouster

Take this for what you think it's worth peoples.....

Pundits & Analysts PREDICTED Rummy Would Get Chicken and Cut & Run


BREAKING NEWS - Rummy Resigns

....HE 'S OUT!

Story here....


Now back to regular programming....

Pat's VideoCast Episode 3


* MY Take On The Immigration Issue

* Announcement of addition of Missing Persons video clip at end of each show


* Latest video from

...And to top it all off, there's THESE two videos from jake3456 & gouko787 on which was posted to back in March. This first one being during a Presidential visit by George W. Bush.

Bill O'Reilly & The Dixie Chicks - ROUND TWO....

....As reported by Keith Olbermann during his Countdown Show of May 23, 2006....

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is today's "Real Deal".

Ohh wait....Wrong show, isn't it? Sorry. I almost forgot that we're not Joe Scarborough here. My bad. :)

Then again...It could be worse. This could be like one of Bill O'Reilly's stupid Talking Points Memos or something.

Anyhow....Enjoy. :)

Our Right To Privacy - Coming To An End?

Get this video and more at
If THIS is our future.....Be afraid. Be very afraid.

THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is today's REAL Real Deal.