While watching the recent on PBS' FrontLine World documentary as they followed up on the recent NewsWar series with one on FrontLine World called STORIES FROM A SMALL PLANET, there was a segment that caught my attention.
It was about Al Jazeera's English Service and why cable and satellite companies haven't bothered to consider adding it yet. Turns out some Conservative so-called "Watchdog" group known as Accuracy In Media that purportedly thinks it knows what is in MY best interests (Hey, why not let ME decide that, eh?) went on a letter writing campaign insisting that Al Jazeera shouldn't be added to the lineup because it is a "mouthpiece" for the world most hated and most wanted man - Osama Bin Laden.
In fact, the very same group in a "Guest Column" on its website By Cinnamon Stillwell even went so far as to blast the notion that Al Jazeera is somehow "infiltrating" our country.
Do you HONESTLY think and believe that simply because Al Jazeera is based out of a foreign country that they somehow DO NOT have THE SAME rights to a few things called FREEDOM OF ENTERPRISE, FREEDOM OF THE PRESS, and FREEDOM OF SPEECH???
And just when you think you've heard it all, the very same aforementioned "WatchDog" group has "banished" several prominent western journalists into their little "Hall Of Shame" (Like the journalists even give a shit?).
Not only that, but the same aforementioned group has also set up this website and has gone so far as to refer to Al Jazeera as "Terror Television".
Uhh NEWS FLASH (Or is that supposed to be News ALERT instead?) - Better look at channels such as FOX News first.
Ohh wait. How silly of me. They're based in the good ol' US of A. They're not Terror TV. They couldn't possibly be a mouthpiece for such "unspeakable atrocities".
Funny, you'll watch it all the time on such shows as CSI: Crime Scene Investigation and other violent shows on TV. But when it comes to real life, forget it.
Anyhow...All this got me to thinking. How many times has AMERICAN television shown Osama Bin Laden's face on TV? How many times has the AMERICAN press plastered his picture all over the newspaper? How many has TV, the printed press as well as radio merely uttered his name?
The answers to all three are simple - HUNDREDS OF TIMES.
To back up this claim, I went online and started poking around on the viral video websites I started out on YouTube. They yielded the best results that I saw. Of those, I found the following videos to match the criteria that I was looking for....
A win for Democrats is a win for Bin Laden? Umm...yeah. Says a lot right there, doesn't it? Note this was also propaganda from FOX News as well?
And you know what the REALLY scary part is? Take a look....
President Bush doesn't even concern himself with Osama Bin Laden.
Yet it's funny though. Bush goes out of his way to tell us - the public that he will be found AND brought to justice for all the "crimes" he's committed, to put him on notice, to call him a murderer, to accuse him of masterminding 9/11 and anything and everything else they claim to have on him. But when it comes to considering the possibility that Bin Laden might be DEAD, he won't even hear of it.
I'm beginning to think that Bush is somehow letting himself be BRAINWASHED by members of his own administration who in all likelihood may have political agendas of their own (Carl Rove is a SHINING example of this). In fact to be honest, one needn't look any further than VICE PRESIDENT DICK CHENEY (Even though he's denied it).
Anyway, what does that have to do with Al Jazeera's English service not being added to cable & satellite services here in America and who the real Bin Laden "mouthpiece" is you say? Probably not much depending on your point of view. But getting back to my point, using the same three questions above, I also did searches on Yahoo! News and Google News and found pages here (Yahoo! News), here (Google News - Since 2001) and here (Google News - Before 2001). Note the number of times AMERICAN news outlets have mentioned Osama Bin Laden in some fashion? Absolutely STAGGERING isn't it?
Yet WHO are the ones crying bias in the media? It has always been the REPUBLICANS.
So I ask you ladies & gentlemen, just WHO IS Osama Bin Laden's biggest mouthpiece? Al Jazeera or the AMERICAN press and media?
Think about it as that is Today's REAL DEAL.