After some careful consideration, I have decided that since I am now online via my laptop (Although not wireless as of yet) instead of that aging desktop of mine, to return my political talk show, The Left Wing Conservative, to the cyber airwaves once again.
Here's how it will work..........
RADIO SHOW (Tentative Arrangements until something better comes along):
* Every Saturday Evening @ 9:00 PM ET on SHOUTcast, P2P Streaming & Podcast
TV SHOW (Permanent Arrangements):
* Every Wednesday Evening @ 5:00 PM ET on LiveStream (With UStream, JustinTV & SitckAM as backups as/when needed) & Podcast
Each show will be archived and, as indicated, will be available as a podcast. If you have an Internet Radio station that streams political talk or are a LiveStream Producer, you may add the show to your station or LiveStream page. Just be sure to drop me a line so I can add your station or LiveStream page as an affiliate. In return, I will AT LEAST consider adding your show as well.
We will start with the radio show on August 1st @ 9:00 PM ET. The first TV show will be on August 5th @ 5:00 PM ET.
I realize the 5:00 PM ET airtime for the TV show wipes out those of you on the East Coast as that's when most of those folks will be heading home from work, but that is really the best time that will work out for both you & me. Plus, I'll still have folks in the Central, Mountain, Pacific, Aleutian (sp?) & Hawaiian Time Zones who will undoubtedly tune in. I'll also undoubtedly be on for at least two hours anyway. If that doesn't work, we'll try reversing the times of the radio & TV shows & see if THAT works ut better. :)
So that's it for the promo. Over the course of the next few days, I'll be moving the heart of the TLWC website off of Geocities as it is closing & over the course of the next month, will find a new home for it. The blog itself however will remain on Blogger (Though seperate blogs will be created for the actual shows & the shows already posted will be moved over to the newly-created blogs)