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Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Now I've never been to a Tea Party rally. In fact, I consider the party to be little more than REPUBLICANS IN DISGUISE who talk some GREAT talk BUT walking the walk is a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT beast altogether (And we all know what the Republicans do when it comes to walking the walk).

But putting aside the question of when this alleged incident reportedly took place as there's some question as to when it did. The simple fact is that RACISM GOES BOTH WAYS AMERICA!!!!!

In fact, whether we as a global society are willing to admit it or not, RACISM IS EVERYWHERE!!!!! There's no denying it.

And the sooner that groups like the NAACP realize & recognize that - THE BETTER WE WILL ALL BE!!!!!

More coverage on this as developments warrant as well as on The Left Wing Conservative Radio Show on Progressive Moderates Radio on Thursday @ 5:00 PM ET/2:00 PM PT

Monday, July 5, 2010

Excerpts From Police Training Video Covering Controversial Arizona Immigration Law

Does anyone either have or know where I can find a copy of THE COMPLETE version of this video? If such a copy exists, I'd like a copy of it.

Harmless Fun Or Exploitation Of Those Affected By The Oil Spill

Click Here To See The Video (Embedding is not an option)

Honestly I think it's just plain harmless fun. Heck.....Who knows? There might be some underlying idea within the game that just might prove to be useful & practical (Heaven knows little else has worked)

Yet ANOTHER Example Of How WARPED The Republican Party Is.....

The politicians call it "America's War" but this makes you kinda wonder if Republican Party Chairman Michael Steele has forgotten WHO WAS IN THE WHITE HOUSE when the war started, doesn't it?