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Sunday, June 6, 2004

Remembering D-Day - 60 Years Later

As we take time out of our busy lives to remember the heroes of D-Day, let us also take time to remember how American History COULD have been written had it not been for these VERY BRAVE souls (as well as the countless thousands of others who perished throughout World War II).

All done WITHOUT the Liberal spin and NO CONSERVATISM ALLOWED.

It has long been said by many that when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, Japan could've just as easily made their way TO OUR OWN MAINLAND SHORES. What's even MORE FRIGHTENING is the thought that Japanese forces could've advanced as far east as Chicago before we knew what hit us.

The reason was that many in FDR's cabinet were over-confident in our own military capabilities and complacent to even CONSIDER addressing the issue of military preparedness in the event we were attacked.

In fact, if you saw the movie Pearl Harbor, this scene was played out with FDR complaining that we spent more time building refridgerators than we did war fighting machines.

Had we not responded the way we did, here's how I believe American History would've been recorded.

  • Japanese forces would've come ashore and occupied the whole nation by Christmas 1941

  • NONE of the now classic OTR (Old Time Radio) programs from that era would've seen the light of day as all three radio networks - NBC, CBS, and Mutual, would either be shut down or bombed.

  • THE ONLY present America would be asking Santa Claus in Christmas 1941 would be FREEDOM

Moving forward...

  • June 6, 1944 would just simply be another day under enemy occupation

  • Hiroshima would've NEVER been nuked

  • Japan & Germany would've eventually been at war with each other

  • The FABULOUS FIFTIES would've been ANYTHING BUT as we would be fighting both Japan and Germany for our freedom

  • We would NEVER have gone to Korea as we would be too busy struggling with OUR OWN Liberation to bother with anyone else's

  • World War II wouldn't end until 1960

  • JFK and Richard Nixon would've been campaigning to become our first President since our Liberation from Japan

  • Television would still an experiment and under development

  • Space exploration would only be a twinkling dream in our eye as we struggle to control disease and begin to remember life WITHOUT foreign occupation (or war)

  • We would still be reeling from our Liberation from Japan and Germany to go to Vietnam

  • The national goal of sending a man to the moon would be a goal to be accomplished during the 1970s or early 1980s at the earliest

  • The Space Shuttle program wouldn't get started until the early 1990s

I'm sure I've probably left a few things out, but I'm sure you get the idea. :)

Do WE AMERICANS have reason to be thankful? YOU BET WE DO.

If it weren't for the BRAVE souls who gave their lives on D-Day 1944 (as well as all the other World War II veterans out there), much (if not all) of the things I indicated above would be happening today.

While words can't even begin to express our appreciation for what they did and the sacrifices they made, all I'm sure that needs to be said is THANKS. :)


And that, ladies and gentlemen, is Today's Real Deal.

Cheers for now :)


Saturday, June 5, 2004

Ronald Reagan - A President For The People

It is with deep sadness and regret that I report the passing of a legend both on AND off screen. On the big screen AND the small screen. In Hollywood AND in Washington D.C.

MANY actors in Hollywood have played the role of the President, but only ONE actor can lay claim to BEING the President.

That actor is NONE OTHER than Ronald Reagan

Photo Courtesy of The White House

Reagan came in at a time when America was struggling to make ends meet. In MANY parts, lines of cars (some MILES long) were forming - JUST TO GET A GALLON OF GAS. Gas prices were soaring out of control, the economy had a bleak future, the Space Shuttle program was just getting started, and over 400 people were being held hostage in a country hardly ANYONE knew existed.

I vividly recall the plane that carried the hostages touching down on American soil the day after he was initially sworn into office. I was only a budding teenager then, but it was a piece of history I'll NEVER forget. He didn't even say a word (much less make an agreement), but the Arabs saw something in him that we Americans (both Democrats and Republicans alike) was just discovering.

He was a man of peace.

Not only was he a man of peace, he was also a man of his word. When he said he would get something done, by golly HE MEANT IT. Not only did he mean it, he also DID IT.

In this respect, he was also a DOer.

Come Election time in 1984, we Liberals were hard pressed to find ANY weaknesses in ANYTHING he did. Try as we did, we just couldn't do it. Even *I* voted for him (and I was a registered Democrat), even though I knew almost NOTHING about the political arena as a whole (I was only 18 at the time and was voting in my first election).

Some would say that it's because of him that the "trickle down economics" policy became a Republican standard. To that I say it was the shot in the arm this country needed back in 1980. He almost single-handedly (and quite LITERALLY) turned the economy of this country around. It was, in part, because of HIS work that made the '80s as memorable as they were.

He also introduced the political concept of NOT using mudslinging or name-calling during his campaigns. This, I believe, is what made him identifiable with the average Joe (or in our case, the average Pat :)).

He even got the attention of (then-communist) Russia and Germany. He was the driving force in their capitulation to diplomacy and democracy. This especially rang true in his famous "Tear Down These Walls" speech in 1987 which could only be compared to JFK's "I Am A Berliner" speech back in the 1960s.

In popularity, he was equal to JFK. Some hardcore conservatives would say he was BETTER, but in terms of overall popularity, both among americans AND foreigners alike, he was equal.

If I had describe Ronald Reagan in only a single sentence, it would be this....


Not just Democrats or Republicans (or even Americans for that matter!). He was a President who represented ALL people. You could say he was a "People's Choice".

Unfortunately, this is something which has sadly become lost in today's political world. Now, it's about who has the most $$$. And it's NOT just Republicans. It's Democrats too.

And if EITHER party expects to have a chance of SHUTTING OUT people like Ralph Nader, we need to CLEAN OUT THE RUBBISH.

If that means GETTING RID OF BUSH, then SO BE IT.

It is MY hope that the death of this legend will serve as a WAKE UP CALL to those in Washington (and those running for office in the upcoming Election).

If the politicians don't listen TODAY, people aren't gonna care WHO is running for office TOMORROW because WE ALL will be FED UP with all the BULLSHIT that's called "politics".

R.I.P Ronald Reagan. You will be SORELY missed. :(

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is today's Real Deal.

Cheers for now :)
