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Monday, June 27, 2011

The Right Wing Cloak & Dagger Game

Just saw The Ed Show tonight (Hosted by Thomas Roberts in Ed's abscence) & they had this schmuck named Brian Browne from the National Organization Of Marriage on as a guest

What happened to deserve a rewrite you ask? Simple

The Schmuck from the NOM was asked what he thought about the NY State Senate passing the same-sex marriage bill & he said the vote was taken under "A cloak of darkness" which he said was typical of Left Wing tactics

I'm wondering which cable news channel he was watching on Friday Night (ASSUMING he was even watching one that is!)

I ask this because CNN & MSNBC were both providing coverage of the vote via the live feed from the NY State Senate's own public access channel. HOW IS THAT CONDUCTING A VOTE UNDER A CLOAK OF DARKNESS, Mr. Browne??

In case you lost soul Right Wingers are wondering, I did check Fox News but they weren't even providing ANY coverage at all. In fact, they were covering (Of all things!) THE CASEY ANTHONY TRIAL !!!!!

So am I to understand that unless FOX NEWS provides live coverage of a major vote like the one in the NY State Senate on Friday Night, it either somehow "Didn't happen" or was somehow conducted "Under a cloak of darkness" ????? Help me understand this thought process

This is of course so typical of Right Wing Rhetoric these days & should be expected. It's just like when the Washington Republicans accuse the Washington Democrats & the Obama Administration of somehow making "Closed Door" or "Back Door" deals. Yet C-SPAN is careful enough to show EACH & EVERY vote session.

If I can see those vote sessions on C-SPAN & other places that provide it on TV (And there are websites which track the votes taken by our Representatives in BOTH houses on a variety of issues), then HOW is it that the Right Wing always seems to miss them ????? If someone out there has a clue, SHOOT ME AN EMAIL as this has always perplexed & bamboozled me