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Monday, April 14, 2008

Immigration - From a Latino's Point Of View

The following is an edited version of some cross-posted comments inspired by this post by a Latino CONSERVATIVE blogger....

I'm a REGISTERED DEMOCRAT and I couldn't agree with you more! I find it SHOCKING that people cry RACE whenever ICE, INS or Homeland Security conduct one of these raids.

I find it SHOCKING how people persistently ABUSE the terms RACIAL PROFILING & STEREOTYPING.

I'm not a Latino or even a minority. But its REFRESHING to see that SOMEONE who IS a minority shares the same view on the issue as I do.

One final note, if these illegal immigrants really want to stay in this country, they should either A). Put together a business plan (As you indicated in your post), get a loan from the SBA and open up a small business of some kind.

Ohh but they'd need to be LEGAL CITIZENS to do that, wouldn't they? Ohh well...Them's the way the cookie crumbles, now isn't it?