The babble is all here. Only now seem to have problems telling the difference between an Animal Rights Organization and an Environmental Preservation Organzation and a Terrorists group.
These nuthead Neo-Cons seem to think people who care about animals and the environment are all terrorists. Hmm....I'm almost afraid to even ask who they don't define as a "terrorist"
But then again, I suppose it's to be expected from the Right Wing & their Double-Talk Machine. If they're not using their Spin Machine, their using the Double-Talk Machine. Somehow these people actually that if they use these machines long enough, undecided voters will vote Right-Wing. But you see, what they have yet to figure out is that it's backfiring. People aren't stupid (Ohh yeah, that reminds me...Don't forget to notice the so-called "Patriotic" gear offered on their website too).
Till next time. :)
Inspired by Lawrence O'Donnell's "Rewrite" & Ed Schultz's "Takedown" segments, this is my attempt to right the wrongs of the Right Wing & try to decipher the morse code-like language which the Right Wing so eloquently speaks in a manner which the rest of us on Main Street can understand
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Monday, December 19, 2005
The Death Penalty - WHY Do We Have It? Do We REALLY Need It?
Umm...Someone tell me if I'm wrong here, but I didn't know we were supposed to give a damn about those who are issued Death sentences for crimes they've been found guilty and were convicted of.
Yet it seems like like executions are now getting more and more media attention. Add in the world of cyberspace, and you've got a worldwide online prescence as well. I'm referring to this article on the Tookie Williams story
Where does it end America??
That is the subject of tonight's Real Deal.
I was always led to believe that if you kill someone and are charged with the crime, fairly tried, convicted and sentenced to death, that NO ONE is supposed to give a fuckin' holy crappin' (or is that holy crippin' in Tookie's case?) shit about you. But gee....I guess I was wrong.
Seems as though those on the Far Far left (Who even I disagree with) who seem to think such hardened criminals either are or can be "reformed" simply because they've "taken in the Bible" or (here's my favorite one of all) have been "saved", they can somehow be reformed.
Well....Sorry Charlie. It don't work like that.
Hardened criminals, especially ones like Tookie Williams, BELONG IN PRISON with NO chance for parole, NO time off for "good behavior", and ABSULTELY POSITIVELY NO sentence commuting. Them's just the facts folks. They can read the bible through and through and I COULD GIVE A FUCKIN' HOLY SHIT.
I know it sounds like I'm being cold and heartless on criminals, but look at it this way. Their victims didn't get a chance to "plea bargain" or to "strike a deal" to avoid becoming a victim, so WHY the criminal be awarded the opportunity to do the same to avoid a stiff sentence or being prosecuted altogether?
On top of all this, wouldn't YOU want the media to be at YOUR funeral as YOUR loved ones step up to the podium or microphone or whatever and EULOGIZE & REMEMBER YOU? That would almost be a dream come true for me.
It's not fair to see that a CONVICTED CRIMINAL getting what amounts to A STATE FUNERAL(albeit AND ESPECIALLY at TAXPAYER expense) while YOU have to PAY UP THE BUTT for yours. It doesn't make sense. Nor is it fair. NOT AT ALL.
If the convicts want to be seen on TV, may they be seen during MSNBC's DocBlock or something (At least there's a zillion other channels I can watch when that's on).
And that's today's Real Deal.
That is tonight's Real Deal.
Yet it seems like like executions are now getting more and more media attention. Add in the world of cyberspace, and you've got a worldwide online prescence as well. I'm referring to this article on the Tookie Williams story
Where does it end America??
That is the subject of tonight's Real Deal.
I was always led to believe that if you kill someone and are charged with the crime, fairly tried, convicted and sentenced to death, that NO ONE is supposed to give a fuckin' holy crappin' (or is that holy crippin' in Tookie's case?) shit about you. But gee....I guess I was wrong.
Seems as though those on the Far Far left (Who even I disagree with) who seem to think such hardened criminals either are or can be "reformed" simply because they've "taken in the Bible" or (here's my favorite one of all) have been "saved", they can somehow be reformed.
Well....Sorry Charlie. It don't work like that.
Hardened criminals, especially ones like Tookie Williams, BELONG IN PRISON with NO chance for parole, NO time off for "good behavior", and ABSULTELY POSITIVELY NO sentence commuting. Them's just the facts folks. They can read the bible through and through and I COULD GIVE A FUCKIN' HOLY SHIT.
I know it sounds like I'm being cold and heartless on criminals, but look at it this way. Their victims didn't get a chance to "plea bargain" or to "strike a deal" to avoid becoming a victim, so WHY the criminal be awarded the opportunity to do the same to avoid a stiff sentence or being prosecuted altogether?
On top of all this, wouldn't YOU want the media to be at YOUR funeral as YOUR loved ones step up to the podium or microphone or whatever and EULOGIZE & REMEMBER YOU? That would almost be a dream come true for me.
It's not fair to see that a CONVICTED CRIMINAL getting what amounts to A STATE FUNERAL(albeit AND ESPECIALLY at TAXPAYER expense) while YOU have to PAY UP THE BUTT for yours. It doesn't make sense. Nor is it fair. NOT AT ALL.
If the convicts want to be seen on TV, may they be seen during MSNBC's DocBlock or something (At least there's a zillion other channels I can watch when that's on).
And that's today's Real Deal.
That is tonight's Real Deal.
Thursday, December 15, 2005
RACIST & BIGOTED North Carolina Billboard Comes Under Fire
Boy...Just when you thought the Right Wing couldn't possibly stoop any lower, along comes this article.
Here's an excerpt...
A group that is trying to tighten the standards for obtaining driver's licenses has come under fire for plans to post a billboard with a picture of an Arab clutching a grenade and a North Carolina license.
Now I have to ask...Have we become so obsessed with the War on Terror and Homeland Security that we don't trust anyone who wasn't born in American anymore?
That's the subject of Tonight's Real Deal.
The billboard, scheduled to go up this month near the State Capitol in , shows a man in traditional Arab scarf. The billboard reads Don't license terrorists, North Carolina.
And here's the scary part - North Carolina won't be alone. Similar boards are slated for New Mexico and Wisconsin, according to
This group claims that their goal is a "safer" America. I have no problem with that BUT....
If this this their biggest concern, I've got a newsflash for them - America is in FAR GREATER danger from DRUNK DRIVERS and other people who persist on running from the law in high speed pursuits that it is from (supposedly licensed) "terrorists".
If you ask me, I think its high time the Right Wing STOP picking on Arab Americans and painting ALL Arabs with the same goddamn fuckin' brush. We have bigger & far worse domestic problems than this. Don't fall for it.
Amanda Bowman, President of The Coalition for a Secure Driver's License, care to share any of your data that supports your claims that terrorists are still being licensed? If so, I'd love to see/hear it.
Or are you just spewing forth a bunch of Right Wing Spin Machine Mumbo Jumbo nonsense that's only supposed to make sense?
That, ladies & gentlemen, is Tonight's Real Deal.
Here's an excerpt...
A group that is trying to tighten the standards for obtaining driver's licenses has come under fire for plans to post a billboard with a picture of an Arab clutching a grenade and a North Carolina license.
Now I have to ask...Have we become so obsessed with the War on Terror and Homeland Security that we don't trust anyone who wasn't born in American anymore?
That's the subject of Tonight's Real Deal.
The billboard, scheduled to go up this month near the State Capitol in , shows a man in traditional Arab scarf. The billboard reads Don't license terrorists, North Carolina.
And here's the scary part - North Carolina won't be alone. Similar boards are slated for New Mexico and Wisconsin, according to
This group claims that their goal is a "safer" America. I have no problem with that BUT....
If this this their biggest concern, I've got a newsflash for them - America is in FAR GREATER danger from DRUNK DRIVERS and other people who persist on running from the law in high speed pursuits that it is from (supposedly licensed) "terrorists".
If you ask me, I think its high time the Right Wing STOP picking on Arab Americans and painting ALL Arabs with the same goddamn fuckin' brush. We have bigger & far worse domestic problems than this. Don't fall for it.
Amanda Bowman, President of The Coalition for a Secure Driver's License, care to share any of your data that supports your claims that terrorists are still being licensed? If so, I'd love to see/hear it.
Or are you just spewing forth a bunch of Right Wing Spin Machine Mumbo Jumbo nonsense that's only supposed to make sense?
That, ladies & gentlemen, is Tonight's Real Deal.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
A Perfect Summary Of George W. Bush's Legacy....
....Brought to you by (Permalink is at Limerick Savant: Poetic license revoked ).
Read all about it there @ the Permalink URL above.
Read all about it there @ the Permalink URL above.
Monday, November 14, 2005
FBI: Muslims Detained At Stadium Weren't Profiled (Sssssuuuurrrreeeee!!!!!)
Former Presidents George Bush Sr. & Bill Clinton decide to go to a football game.
The end result - Five Muslims Detained at Giants Stadium
Today's Real Deal is plain and simple.
The FBI told CNN that they weren't profiling them.
Well if that was the case, then why were they detained?
This is yet yet another way our government is spying on us. The Right Wing will be quick to remind us of the war against terror. But it's quite obvious that some people need to be reminded that there are some GOOD HONEST HARD WORKING WORKING MUSLIMS WHO HAVE JOBS & NO INTEREST OR DESIRE TO BRING HARM TO AMERICANS.
That is what these muslims are. THEY MEAN NO HARM
In the article, it says that "Some of the Muslims said they did not know they were in a sensitive area, and they complained that they were subjected to racial profiling while they were praying, as their faith requires five times a day."
Does the FBI not respect religion?
Here are some other interesting points (paraquoted from the CNN article)
At a news conference Wednesday, Sami Shaban, a 27-year-old Seton Hall Law School student who lives in Piscataway, said he and four friends had just gotten to the September 19 New York Giants-New Orleans Saints game when they left their seats to pray. Around halftime, 10 security officers and three state troopers approached the men and told them to come with them, Shaban said.
He also said that they were questioned and not allowed to return to their seats, but were assigned seats in another section.
Gee....If they posed such a security threat, WHY LET THEM BACK IN AT ALL???
The FBI told CNN that they aroused suspicion because "they were congregating near the main air intake duct" and that Bush Sr. was in the stadium that night as part of the Hurricane Katrina fundraising campaign along with former President Bill Clinton.
"You had 80,000 people there, Bush 41 was there, and you had a group of gentlemen gathering in an area not normally used by the public right near the main air intake duct for the stadium, and a food preparation facility," Siegel said. "It was where they were, not what they were doing."
Okay....Lemme get this straight. If I were to be seen hovering near an air intake duct at Invesco Field here in Denver, I can expect to be detained for questioning. Am I right? Look at my picture to the left. Do I look Muslim to you? Is that what they're telling us? If so, I don't buy it.
Racial profiling is a part of law enforcement regardless of geographical location or level of government . It is second nature to them. This may sound "ultra-liberal" (if not downright paranoid), but I believe there are less-intrusinve methods of enforcing the law and ensuring Homeland Security than violating someone's CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to FREEDOM OF RELIGION (or any other rights for that matter).
The objective now is to find terrorists via those methods. And the sooner the better.
And that's Today's Real Deal.
The end result - Five Muslims Detained at Giants Stadium
Today's Real Deal is plain and simple.
The FBI told CNN that they weren't profiling them.
Well if that was the case, then why were they detained?
This is yet yet another way our government is spying on us. The Right Wing will be quick to remind us of the war against terror. But it's quite obvious that some people need to be reminded that there are some GOOD HONEST HARD WORKING WORKING MUSLIMS WHO HAVE JOBS & NO INTEREST OR DESIRE TO BRING HARM TO AMERICANS.
That is what these muslims are. THEY MEAN NO HARM
In the article, it says that "Some of the Muslims said they did not know they were in a sensitive area, and they complained that they were subjected to racial profiling while they were praying, as their faith requires five times a day."
Does the FBI not respect religion?
Here are some other interesting points (paraquoted from the CNN article)
At a news conference Wednesday, Sami Shaban, a 27-year-old Seton Hall Law School student who lives in Piscataway, said he and four friends had just gotten to the September 19 New York Giants-New Orleans Saints game when they left their seats to pray. Around halftime, 10 security officers and three state troopers approached the men and told them to come with them, Shaban said.
He also said that they were questioned and not allowed to return to their seats, but were assigned seats in another section.
Gee....If they posed such a security threat, WHY LET THEM BACK IN AT ALL???
The FBI told CNN that they aroused suspicion because "they were congregating near the main air intake duct" and that Bush Sr. was in the stadium that night as part of the Hurricane Katrina fundraising campaign along with former President Bill Clinton.
"You had 80,000 people there, Bush 41 was there, and you had a group of gentlemen gathering in an area not normally used by the public right near the main air intake duct for the stadium, and a food preparation facility," Siegel said. "It was where they were, not what they were doing."
Okay....Lemme get this straight. If I were to be seen hovering near an air intake duct at Invesco Field here in Denver, I can expect to be detained for questioning. Am I right? Look at my picture to the left. Do I look Muslim to you? Is that what they're telling us? If so, I don't buy it.
Racial profiling is a part of law enforcement regardless of geographical location or level of government . It is second nature to them. This may sound "ultra-liberal" (if not downright paranoid), but I believe there are less-intrusinve methods of enforcing the law and ensuring Homeland Security than violating someone's CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to FREEDOM OF RELIGION (or any other rights for that matter).
The objective now is to find terrorists via those methods. And the sooner the better.
And that's Today's Real Deal.
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Libby Indicted, Rove Cleared (For Now)
Those of who regularly read or at least check my blog know that I'm a reasonably objective guy, right? Well, that will change somewhat as I've now found someone I can have a debate via with here in the blogosphere.
Everyone - Meet Shelley The Republican. The latest addition to our Conservative Bloggers list (and our latest political adversary).
The reason is the focus of Today's Real Deal....
In what many Republicans including this one are calling a `witch hunt', "Scooter" Libby was indicted for leaking the identity of an undercover CIA Operative whom we now know as being Valerie Plame.
I ask how is this a 'witch hunt'? Is it because the Special Prosecutor was a Democrat as opposed to a Republican that this came into being? Help me out here.
Shelley (and all you other die-hard Conservatives out there), you know darned well that had the White House been under a Democratic Presidential Administration such as Al Gore's, hyou would've been calling for noNOT ONLY the resignation of the advisor of Gore's VP, but you'd also be looking for a way to impeach Gore as well. You know that as well as I do.
Furthermore, my newly-found "friend" (if you call blogging and/or podcasting a form of "friendship") and political adversary Shelley the Republican was also quick to spew forth this piece of crap (FYI...the quoted portion is in bold text for easy reference).
Valerie Plame, the CIA agent in which this all surrounds, was more harmed by her husband than by Libby, Rove or anyone else. Her husband had an axe to grind and the administration's only mistake was allowing that man to keep his job as long as he did. What is particularly bothersome is the lack of ethics Plame used in hiring her husband to help the Democratic party.
What the hell prompted you to make THAT statement Shelley? What were you smoking or drinking? Are you sure you weren't at some bar hangin' out with the boys when you typed that?
And then my newly-found political adversary had the nerve to spew forth THIS piece of crap....
The reality is that Valerie Plame had a desk job in Washington that she had for a while. She had new baby twins, which she was taking care of and she and her husband were making contributions to the Democratic Party. How is a woman behind a desk, running around as a Washington socialite, and sending her husband on CIA gigs claim she was ousted?
Umm...Tell us Shelley, what evidence do you have (or that is available online) that indicates that she was (as you put it) "running around as a Washington socialite" and "sending her husband on CIA gigs". Every news account I've heard including those aired on the obviously Conservatively-biased FOX News Channel have all indicated that Valerie's husband was asked by the CIA itself. NOT BY HER!!!!
Furthermore, what does this have to do with Hilary Clinton? (In noticed the comments she posted before the quoted text immediately above)
Getting back to the topic at hand, wasn't one of the big reasons (if not THE BIGGEST reason) why WE THE PEOPLE (notice my objectivity?) put Bush in office was to restore "Honesty & Integrety" back to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue? I seemingly recall that being the case.
Kinda hard to do that when you've got corrupt politicians giving *cough* *cough* "advice" to the two highest ranking politicians (That being President & Vice President) in America, now isn't it?
That, ladies and gentlemen, is Today's Real Deal....
Additional Comment In Original Post
Everyone - Meet Shelley The Republican. The latest addition to our Conservative Bloggers list (and our latest political adversary).
The reason is the focus of Today's Real Deal....
In what many Republicans including this one are calling a `witch hunt', "Scooter" Libby was indicted for leaking the identity of an undercover CIA Operative whom we now know as being Valerie Plame.
I ask how is this a 'witch hunt'? Is it because the Special Prosecutor was a Democrat as opposed to a Republican that this came into being? Help me out here.
Shelley (and all you other die-hard Conservatives out there), you know darned well that had the White House been under a Democratic Presidential Administration such as Al Gore's, hyou would've been calling for noNOT ONLY the resignation of the advisor of Gore's VP, but you'd also be looking for a way to impeach Gore as well. You know that as well as I do.
Furthermore, my newly-found "friend" (if you call blogging and/or podcasting a form of "friendship") and political adversary Shelley the Republican was also quick to spew forth this piece of crap (FYI...the quoted portion is in bold text for easy reference).
Valerie Plame, the CIA agent in which this all surrounds, was more harmed by her husband than by Libby, Rove or anyone else. Her husband had an axe to grind and the administration's only mistake was allowing that man to keep his job as long as he did. What is particularly bothersome is the lack of ethics Plame used in hiring her husband to help the Democratic party.
What the hell prompted you to make THAT statement Shelley? What were you smoking or drinking? Are you sure you weren't at some bar hangin' out with the boys when you typed that?
And then my newly-found political adversary had the nerve to spew forth THIS piece of crap....
The reality is that Valerie Plame had a desk job in Washington that she had for a while. She had new baby twins, which she was taking care of and she and her husband were making contributions to the Democratic Party. How is a woman behind a desk, running around as a Washington socialite, and sending her husband on CIA gigs claim she was ousted?
Umm...Tell us Shelley, what evidence do you have (or that is available online) that indicates that she was (as you put it) "running around as a Washington socialite" and "sending her husband on CIA gigs". Every news account I've heard including those aired on the obviously Conservatively-biased FOX News Channel have all indicated that Valerie's husband was asked by the CIA itself. NOT BY HER!!!!
Furthermore, what does this have to do with Hilary Clinton? (In noticed the comments she posted before the quoted text immediately above)
Getting back to the topic at hand, wasn't one of the big reasons (if not THE BIGGEST reason) why WE THE PEOPLE (notice my objectivity?) put Bush in office was to restore "Honesty & Integrety" back to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue? I seemingly recall that being the case.
Kinda hard to do that when you've got corrupt politicians giving *cough* *cough* "advice" to the two highest ranking politicians (That being President & Vice President) in America, now isn't it?
That, ladies and gentlemen, is Today's Real Deal....
Additional Comment In Original Post
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Thursday, July 7, 2005
Friday, June 24, 2005
Why The Flag Burning Ban Initiative Is A BAD Idea
Far be it for me to take sides on an issue such as this, but the idea, as outlined in many of these articles would, in my opinion, would do more harm than good.
That is the subject of todays' Real Deal.
While on the surface and personally can't argue with the idea, there are those who will want to do it as a means of Free Speech.
Personally, I think flag burning is disgusting if not downright unamerican. But then too, I think pretty much the same way about those who smoke in public places, yet we a society have accepted the fact there are rights to do both (at least so far anyway).
Admittedly while comparing The Right To Free Speech to the rights of smokers is like comparing an apple to a jalapeno pepper, they are in many ways paralell to each other. I suppose The Right To Bear Arms would be a better analogy, but I digress. *sigh*
But why anyone would want to put a ban on something like burning the flag is almost beyond me. I mean, I thought we lived in a democracy here.
Or do we now live in a "democracy" only when it suits the fuckin' morons in Washington??
In other words, why not just simply ignore who choose to engage in this kind of activity. If it ain't your cup of tea, then don't even watch. It's that simple. If people wanna burn the flag as a means of Free Speech, I say let 'em burn it. Our founding forefathers and those who died serving this country fought to preserve one's right to do so. And those who are serving this country in the Middle East as I type this continue that fight.
In a world where there are countries that will actually kill people who engage in this kind of behavior, the last thing we need to have is to have The United States of America say to its citizens that they cannot burn the flag either.
It is because of this and the fact that this proposed U.S. Constitutional Ammendment does not exclude the right to Free Speech, that I hope it fails.
While I won't be terribly upset if this thing actually goes before the people, unlike many other "LINOs" (that's Liberals In Name Only for the clueless idiots out there) out there in cyberspace and the blogosphere, who will no doubt aggressively fight this tooth and nail, I on the other hand, being the somewhat usual moderate that I am, don't believe it will.
However, we must ensure that it doesn't by continuing to pur pressure on the idiots in Washington who (tragically) consist of the very government that's supposed to represent us and the interests of the people who elected them by sending letters and emails and by blogging on the issue. No doubt it will be a controversial issue. But it is one which I, the surviving son of a U.S. Veteran believe must be preserved no matter how disgusting it may look.
And that is today's Real Deal
Additional Comment In Original Post
That is the subject of todays' Real Deal.
While on the surface and personally can't argue with the idea, there are those who will want to do it as a means of Free Speech.
Personally, I think flag burning is disgusting if not downright unamerican. But then too, I think pretty much the same way about those who smoke in public places, yet we a society have accepted the fact there are rights to do both (at least so far anyway).
Admittedly while comparing The Right To Free Speech to the rights of smokers is like comparing an apple to a jalapeno pepper, they are in many ways paralell to each other. I suppose The Right To Bear Arms would be a better analogy, but I digress. *sigh*
But why anyone would want to put a ban on something like burning the flag is almost beyond me. I mean, I thought we lived in a democracy here.
Or do we now live in a "democracy" only when it suits the fuckin' morons in Washington??
In other words, why not just simply ignore who choose to engage in this kind of activity. If it ain't your cup of tea, then don't even watch. It's that simple. If people wanna burn the flag as a means of Free Speech, I say let 'em burn it. Our founding forefathers and those who died serving this country fought to preserve one's right to do so. And those who are serving this country in the Middle East as I type this continue that fight.
In a world where there are countries that will actually kill people who engage in this kind of behavior, the last thing we need to have is to have The United States of America say to its citizens that they cannot burn the flag either.
It is because of this and the fact that this proposed U.S. Constitutional Ammendment does not exclude the right to Free Speech, that I hope it fails.
While I won't be terribly upset if this thing actually goes before the people, unlike many other "LINOs" (that's Liberals In Name Only for the clueless idiots out there) out there in cyberspace and the blogosphere, who will no doubt aggressively fight this tooth and nail, I on the other hand, being the somewhat usual moderate that I am, don't believe it will.
However, we must ensure that it doesn't by continuing to pur pressure on the idiots in Washington who (tragically) consist of the very government that's supposed to represent us and the interests of the people who elected them by sending letters and emails and by blogging on the issue. No doubt it will be a controversial issue. But it is one which I, the surviving son of a U.S. Veteran believe must be preserved no matter how disgusting it may look.
And that is today's Real Deal
Additional Comment In Original Post
Friday, June 17, 2005
Wacko Jacko WALKS
All the ghastly details here
NOTE: This is a podcast, which means you will need Podcatching Software or an RSS Reader capable of handling podcasts.
NOTE: This is a podcast, which means you will need Podcatching Software or an RSS Reader capable of handling podcasts.
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
At LONG Last - A Light At The End Of A Very Dark Tunnel
What I saw on the news is, quite literally, nothing short of amazing. I am referring to the Senate Resolution which basically puts an end to the Democrats' threat to filibuster each and every nominee presented by President Bush for whatever position needs to be filled. It also ends the threat by the Republicans to end over 200 years of tradition by killing the debate process.
It's also the subject of today's Real Deal. So sit back and read on. But whatever you do, there will be NO arguing like little children and ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY NO partisan political lobbying allowed.
The deal, drafted by 7 Republicans and 7 Democrats (including Colorado's very own Ken Salazar), calls for members of both parties to reach a middle ground by actually working for the people who elected them in the first place. This means the following will NOT be allowed
But folks, let's not mince words here. While many in Washington as well as here in the blogosphere laud the deal, there are many many on both sides of the politkical fence who either remain unimpressed or unconvinced. And there still others again on BOTH sides of the political fence who consider this to be noting short of utter betrayal.
While I can't do or say very much about those in the blososphere, I believe it's reasonably safe to say to those who are in Washington who insist on engaging in partisan politics again on BOTH sides of the political fence that YOU ARE ON NOTICE.
NO MORE will we the people of the United States of America put up with your partisan political agenda. NO MORE will we the people of the United States of America put up with politicians whose sole goal is to appease and pander to Special Interest groups. NO MORE will will we the people of the United States of America put up with dictatorship-style government on the homefront while we IGNORANTLY PROP UP the concept of "Democracy" to other countries around the world.
Yes partisan politicians - YOU ARE ON NOTICE.
And THE DEADLINE for you to change your attitude is January 2006. If this deadline is not met, YOU WILL BE VOTED OUT OF OFFICE BY NOVEMBER BY THE PEOPLE WHO ELECTED YOU.
Yes indeed, a New World Order has come to American Politics. And its name is BI-PARTISANSHIP. Those who are used to partisan politics had better get used to it because it is here TO STAY.
This said though, let there be no mistake, there are still a few obstacles. Namely, the definition of an "extreme circumstance". I watched Chris Bury (sp? on last name) on Nightline tonight trying to get an answer to this question. NO ONE in the group could seem to answer it to his satisfaction. It was as if each member of the group who appeared on the show were all fumbling for answers. One of the Republican Senators even went so far as to say that she doesn't even believe that such an issue would ever arise.
Obviously she hasn't met people like Gary Condit.
They stress that this is only a "temporary" arrangement to get them through the difficult road that lies ahead and that the group's loyalty to each other will no doubt be tested. I say that we Americans need to UNITE and make this thing a PERMANENT fixture in Washington politics that stretches FAR beyond the United States Senate.
If this New World Order isn't made to stick, then we will be a divided nation that WILL fall.
And that is today's Real Deal.
I'll have more on this during my weekly podcast, which I will record on Wednesday. Be sure to bookmark my podcast page by clicking the link to the right.
Till then.....Cheers for now everyone :-)
Pat's Real Deal Blog is Copyright 2005 Pat Cook & Jeeper One Media. All Rights Reserved.
It's also the subject of today's Real Deal. So sit back and read on. But whatever you do, there will be NO arguing like little children and ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY NO partisan political lobbying allowed.
The deal, drafted by 7 Republicans and 7 Democrats (including Colorado's very own Ken Salazar), calls for members of both parties to reach a middle ground by actually working for the people who elected them in the first place. This means the following will NOT be allowed
- NO abuse of the filibuster process by either party
- NO threats to end over 200 years of political tradition in Washington by either party
- The filibustering of a certain number of Presidential nominees by the Democrats
- The filibuster process can only be used in the case of "extreme circumstances"
But folks, let's not mince words here. While many in Washington as well as here in the blogosphere laud the deal, there are many many on both sides of the politkical fence who either remain unimpressed or unconvinced. And there still others again on BOTH sides of the political fence who consider this to be noting short of utter betrayal.
While I can't do or say very much about those in the blososphere, I believe it's reasonably safe to say to those who are in Washington who insist on engaging in partisan politics again on BOTH sides of the political fence that YOU ARE ON NOTICE.
NO MORE will we the people of the United States of America put up with your partisan political agenda. NO MORE will we the people of the United States of America put up with politicians whose sole goal is to appease and pander to Special Interest groups. NO MORE will will we the people of the United States of America put up with dictatorship-style government on the homefront while we IGNORANTLY PROP UP the concept of "Democracy" to other countries around the world.
Yes partisan politicians - YOU ARE ON NOTICE.
And THE DEADLINE for you to change your attitude is January 2006. If this deadline is not met, YOU WILL BE VOTED OUT OF OFFICE BY NOVEMBER BY THE PEOPLE WHO ELECTED YOU.
Yes indeed, a New World Order has come to American Politics. And its name is BI-PARTISANSHIP. Those who are used to partisan politics had better get used to it because it is here TO STAY.
This said though, let there be no mistake, there are still a few obstacles. Namely, the definition of an "extreme circumstance". I watched Chris Bury (sp? on last name) on Nightline tonight trying to get an answer to this question. NO ONE in the group could seem to answer it to his satisfaction. It was as if each member of the group who appeared on the show were all fumbling for answers. One of the Republican Senators even went so far as to say that she doesn't even believe that such an issue would ever arise.
Obviously she hasn't met people like Gary Condit.
They stress that this is only a "temporary" arrangement to get them through the difficult road that lies ahead and that the group's loyalty to each other will no doubt be tested. I say that we Americans need to UNITE and make this thing a PERMANENT fixture in Washington politics that stretches FAR beyond the United States Senate.
If this New World Order isn't made to stick, then we will be a divided nation that WILL fall.
And that is today's Real Deal.
I'll have more on this during my weekly podcast, which I will record on Wednesday. Be sure to bookmark my podcast page by clicking the link to the right.
Till then.....Cheers for now everyone :-)
Pat's Real Deal Blog is Copyright 2005 Pat Cook & Jeeper One Media. All Rights Reserved.
Saturday, May 14, 2005
REAL DEAL #1 Democrats - NO CLASS = Tom DeLay - LIAR
this article by the Fort Worth Star Telegram, Congressman Tom DeLay and the Republican Party showed once again just how OUT OF TOUCH they are with Reality as they gave us yet another episode in the ever-changing saga of As The Republican Fantasy World Turns last Thursday night by reminding their constituency (once again!) just how "evil" we Democrats are. So sit back America & fasten your seat belt because we're in for a bumpy ride tonight as it's time for the Real Deal. No getting up to go to the bathroom and ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY No eating allowed.
Only this time, the chosen word of the night was "classless".

To that I say Mr. DeLay....If we're so "classless" (as you put it), then why say that in front a room full of your closest friends? Why don't you have the guts to say it to our face??
I think the answer to both questions is You're a FUCKING COWARD
You can't tell the truth on your taxes or your campaign contributors or anything else for that matter. So, instead of admitting it like a man, you take the cowardly way out by calling us "classless".
That is not only classless on your part, it also just goes to show how UNAMERICAN you are.
What's worse is he has people like this
Right Wing blogger from Men's News Daily who actually believes him. That is the Right Wing Spin Machine hard at work for you. They spin things which actually sound at least plausibly true and feed that to you till you're either A). Blue in the face and jump ship or B). They have a NEW lie to give you. All of this is to cover what they're really doing, which is covering their asses.
And the clincher of Mr. DeLay's night was they had a (supposedly) Liberally-biased C-SPAN covering the whole thing.
Boy if there was ever a political side show, Thursday Night on C-SPAN must've been it. As for the "bias" C-SPAN supposedly has, you really don't want me to go there. We all know just how biased the media towards the Right Wing. Only thing is, the Republicans must think we're too dumb and stupid to believe that such a bias exists.
And it doesn't help when people like Alan Colmes, who's supposedly on our side, has become a wuss now that Sean Hannity's friends are in power and now have an even stronger stranglehold on Washington politics.
Ohh....How I long for '06 and the Gubernatorial Elections.....Ohhh.......
And that is Today's Real Deal #1
this article by the Fort Worth Star Telegram, Congressman Tom DeLay and the Republican Party showed once again just how OUT OF TOUCH they are with Reality as they gave us yet another episode in the ever-changing saga of As The Republican Fantasy World Turns last Thursday night by reminding their constituency (once again!) just how "evil" we Democrats are. So sit back America & fasten your seat belt because we're in for a bumpy ride tonight as it's time for the Real Deal. No getting up to go to the bathroom and ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY No eating allowed.
Only this time, the chosen word of the night was "classless".
To that I say Mr. DeLay....If we're so "classless" (as you put it), then why say that in front a room full of your closest friends? Why don't you have the guts to say it to our face??
I think the answer to both questions is You're a FUCKING COWARD
You can't tell the truth on your taxes or your campaign contributors or anything else for that matter. So, instead of admitting it like a man, you take the cowardly way out by calling us "classless".
That is not only classless on your part, it also just goes to show how UNAMERICAN you are.
What's worse is he has people like this
Right Wing blogger from Men's News Daily who actually believes him. That is the Right Wing Spin Machine hard at work for you. They spin things which actually sound at least plausibly true and feed that to you till you're either A). Blue in the face and jump ship or B). They have a NEW lie to give you. All of this is to cover what they're really doing, which is covering their asses.
And the clincher of Mr. DeLay's night was they had a (supposedly) Liberally-biased C-SPAN covering the whole thing.
Boy if there was ever a political side show, Thursday Night on C-SPAN must've been it. As for the "bias" C-SPAN supposedly has, you really don't want me to go there. We all know just how biased the media towards the Right Wing. Only thing is, the Republicans must think we're too dumb and stupid to believe that such a bias exists.
And it doesn't help when people like Alan Colmes, who's supposedly on our side, has become a wuss now that Sean Hannity's friends are in power and now have an even stronger stranglehold on Washington politics.
Ohh....How I long for '06 and the Gubernatorial Elections.....Ohhh.......
And that is Today's Real Deal #1
Friday, May 13, 2005
Vote Fraud For Democracy
Big Media Hall Of Shame
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