this article by the Fort Worth Star Telegram, Congressman Tom DeLay and the Republican Party showed once again just how OUT OF TOUCH they are with Reality as they gave us yet another episode in the ever-changing saga of As The Republican Fantasy World Turns last Thursday night by reminding their constituency (once again!) just how "evil" we Democrats are. So sit back America & fasten your seat belt because we're in for a bumpy ride tonight as it's time for the Real Deal. No getting up to go to the bathroom and ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY No eating allowed.
Only this time, the chosen word of the night was "classless".
To that I say Mr. DeLay....If we're so "classless" (as you put it), then why say that in front a room full of your closest friends? Why don't you have the guts to say it to our face??
I think the answer to both questions is You're a FUCKING COWARD
You can't tell the truth on your taxes or your campaign contributors or anything else for that matter. So, instead of admitting it like a man, you take the cowardly way out by calling us "classless".
That is not only classless on your part, it also just goes to show how UNAMERICAN you are.
What's worse is he has people like this
Right Wing blogger from Men's News Daily who actually believes him. That is the Right Wing Spin Machine hard at work for you. They spin things which actually sound at least plausibly true and feed that to you till you're either A). Blue in the face and jump ship or B). They have a NEW lie to give you. All of this is to cover what they're really doing, which is covering their asses.
And the clincher of Mr. DeLay's night was they had a (supposedly) Liberally-biased C-SPAN covering the whole thing.
Boy if there was ever a political side show, Thursday Night on C-SPAN must've been it. As for the "bias" C-SPAN supposedly has, you really don't want me to go there. We all know just how biased the media towards the Right Wing. Only thing is, the Republicans must think we're too dumb and stupid to believe that such a bias exists.
And it doesn't help when people like Alan Colmes, who's supposedly on our side, has become a wuss now that Sean Hannity's friends are in power and now have an even stronger stranglehold on Washington politics.
Ohh....How I long for '06 and the Gubernatorial Elections.....Ohhh.......
And that is Today's Real Deal #1
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