Full Overhead Latex Halloween Mask Of President George W. Bush
Now that the Midterm Elections are over & the Republicants have control of Congress, I have a vow which I want to share with you.
In an effort to hold the feet of Boehner (Whom EVERYONE & THEIR MOTHER believes will be the next House Speaker) & Co. to the proverbial fire, I will purchase one of these masks & wear it during EACH & EVERY video edition of my talk show called The Left Wing Conservative which will be streamed LIVE here (NEW URL!) & later podcast here for all to download later.
I may look a little silly in the process BUT if it means keeping Washington honest by keeping its collective feet to the fire, then SO BE IT.
If there's ONE thing you've gotta give Bush credit for, that would be being a TOUGH AS NAILS President. Whether he was sending a message to Congress or to Saddaam Hussein, he was almost ALWAYS TOUGH AS NAILS. This is one trait which President Obama doesn't seem to have & unless he develops one, then Senator Mitch McConnell's statement about him being a "One Term President" will come true in 2010 (Though not neccessarily for the reasons he SO HAPPILY likes to claim every time he plasters his face on our high def TV screens!).
The wearing of this mask will also be an attempt as holding President Obama's feet to the fire as well. He needs to start getting tougher & STOP BEING AFRAID TO THROW DOWN THE GAUNTLET. That's what Clinton did after the 1994 midterms. Look what that got HIM in 1996 - A SECOND TERM!!!
By the way, I found this mask by Googling it. Turns our that YOU TOO can have one of your very own. You can get it here or < a href="http://www.911buycostume.com/">here if you prefer a more direct link.
In the meantime, see ya soon with my new mask :)
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