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Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Israel vs. Hezbollah & A Reason Why The Lebanese Government IS NOT Taking Back Its Own Country

I keep hearing on all the cable news talk shows the same ol' question Why doesn't the Lebanese Government reclaim It's own land back from Hezbollah? or comments like The Lebanese Government needs to start reclaiming its own land back from Hezbollah.

Well, that'd be a little hard to do IF (And so far that's all it is) the Lebanese Government is somehow BACKING Hezbollah. Either with monetary funds, weaponry or even (God forbid) militarily.

Yet NO ONE here in America wants to even think of that.

But you know what's EVEN WORSE????

The fear that our elected leaders in Washington (Particularly the one whose residence just happens to be 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue) once again coming to the SO-CALLED "aid" of the boy who keeps crying "wolf".

That "boy" that I'm referring to BTW (For you clueless, close-minded Right Wingists out there) being Israel.

Face it Republicans....Even you have to begin to wonder (And I'm sure a small scant of you are. Too bad you're out-numbered by the clueless, close-minded majority who aren't though) just how many times Washington is going to respond to every cry of "wolf" Israel makes before it begins to show cynicism or a sliver of skepticm about whether or not Israel is really in danger while it also begins to wonder if there's some truth to some of the things that AT LEAST some parts of the Arab world have been saying about Israel over the years.

In addition, Washington will also begin to wonder if Israel has been poltically pulling our legs and stringing us along all the while.

I think that's exactly what's happening. Of course, since I'm a Liberal, such comments are hardly a surprise to you Republicans. Afterall, if you listen to people like Bill O'Reilly & Rush Limbaugh long enough, they'll have you
following them right off a cliff. Throw in a little Ann Coulter, and she'll have you believing that we Liberals are the root of all evil and should be exterminated.

How does OUR political environment relate to the topic at hand? Very simple.

For YEARS (Admittedly during many of which were while a Democrat in the Oval Office) America (And much of the Western Hemisphere for that matter) has been Israel's political "playmate" as it were. Each & Every Time they cry "wolf", WE ARE RIGHT THERE AT THEIR DOORSTEP ASKING WHAT WE CAN DO. It's as if we are Israel's bodyguard from the proverbial "big bad bully" or "the boogie man" or what have you.

Don't you think it's time to break the cycle & stop responding? i do. In fact, I call to question as to whether Israel ITSELF is a terrorist state.

But NO ONE even wants to consider THAT possibility (Especially Washington), which isn't as remote as you might think.

And THAT, ladies & gentlemen, is today's REAL DEAL.

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