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Saturday, September 27, 2008

McCain-Obama - Round One (Plus Sarah Palin Interview With Katie Couric

McCain can't lie & slither his way out of THIS
Video posted by theHuffington Post & is courtesy of ABC News

HOW you can BE so WRONG so many times John?

John McCain - TOO OLD & SENILE To Lead

As for Sarah Palin, she's TOO MUCH OF A BIMBO To Be The VP & HERE IS THE PROOF

In this video, this woman MUST think that Katie Couris was born YESTERDAY or something. Either that or Sarah thinks that Katie just came up from the local news ranks down in down in South Florida & never hosted the Today show the last 20 years.

Sarah Palin On Foreign Policy....

WE HAVE FOREIGN MISSIONS with the Russians???? Boy, that's a new one on me. How come I wasn't aware of that??

Wait a second - How can this woman NOT know ANYTHING about the job she is seeking????

Seriously - Let's say you or I were to walk into a potential employer's office for a job interview (Pick the job - Any job). We go through the formalities of introducing ourselves, etc., etc. and then we get right down to business as he/she asks you or I why they should either of us should be hired and our answer is something like this....

Well I know nothing about the job. Heck, I don't even know to do the job, but I'm applying for the job just for the hell of doing it

Now imagine what the reaction of the potential employer is likely (If not GOING to be) and take it from there.

Bottom line - Are YOU willing to trust THIS woman with the job of VICE PRESIDENT??? Can she be trusted? Is she believable?

I don't think so.


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